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Vitality Program

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For more information and advise on the Vitality Program please contact myself Ulrika on 07795 211 316 or order directly here

Vitality Program

The V3 System consisting of Proargi9, Mistify and Phytolife -

Provides continued support of the GI tract with a daily intake of immune boosting ingredients. This suits those looking to improve cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, repairing of the nervous system, reduced tiredness and fatigue and a maintenance of normal muscle function.

This Program would be best suited if you are over-worked, under-slept and if you're always tired. If you are reliant on caffeine and adrenaline to keep going throughout the whole day. If you have a poor diet filled with convenient foods. If you don't exercise regularly and have a poor immune system i.e. Typically gets ill a lot, feels aches and pains regularly and feelings of fatigue.

It greatly improves and supports circulation, immune and digestive health.

pro argi 9


ProArgi-9+ relaxes and widens the arteries, enabling the body to access deeply held toxins in stagnant areas of the body. It also helps remove ammonia.



Mistify is a liquid food supplement, which contains vitamin B6, Açai Berry, and Green Tea extract. With the benefits of normal psychological function, red blood cell formation and homocysteine metabolism.



Synergy’s PhytoLife is a rich combination of chlorophyllin (sodium copper chlorophyllin) and peppermint oil. With quality in every drop, the peppermint oil found in PhytoLife contributes to normal digestive function.


Julie's Results

30 day Vitality Plan Results

Help me congratulate the lovely Julie Gater on here amazing results completing my 30 day Vitality Plan 🌺🌺🌺 These are her amazing results:
  • Improved sleep - wake up after 8 hours feeling really refreshed
  • Definitely more energy
  • Coping better with stress
  • Less inflamed - waking up with less aches and pains
  • Nails growing quicker
  • Glowing skin
  • A lot less bloated
  • No more acid reflux
  • Feeling much better mentally 💆🏻‍♀️
  • Brain fog cleared
  • 4 lbs lighter ( after finding it very hard to shift any weight over the last few years)
  • 5 inch gone across bust and waist 👊
  • Relief from menopause symptoms such as brain fog, weight gain, achy joints, imbalanced hormones, afternoon slump
  • In general feeling much lighter and happier 🤸🏻 Fantastic!! 💫💫
Well done Julie you must be so delighted! If you are intrigued and want to find out more about how this plan can help you improve your health please contact myself or Julia!


Karen's Results

30 day Vitality Plan Results

Increased energy levels ~ Improved sleep ~ going to sleep easier and waking less ~ 6 inch loss in total across bust, waist and thighs ~ Less brain fog and better concentration ~ Skin feels more hydrated ~ Less bloating

Kathryn Henshaw

Its taken me ages to recover from the post covid pneumonia and find the energy to commit to regular exercise again but I have really noticed the difference since starting the v3 programme again. After 10 days of mystify phytolife and pro argi I am walking 4-5 miles every day and this week enjoyed the keep fit session and pilates!! Back to back!! OK I am still a bit rubbish at 1 leg balancing but I don't think there is a supplement that can help me with that!


Eloise Summerfield

30 Day Vitality Program

Help me congratulate Eloise Summerfield on her incredible results following my 30 day ‘Spring into Spring’ challenge. Eloise has a complex genetic condition affecting joints, gut, heart and whole body - Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.
These are her results:

  • a clear increase in energy - getting out of bed easier and moving more every day 
  • Quality of sleep has improved - no longer needing a nana nap 
  • Lowered stress levels
  • Significant reduction in aches and pains - medication reduced to half 
  • Reduced inflammation - bursa on left knee 1/2 inch smaller 
  • 12 pounds lighter
  • total inch loss 7 across stomach, waist and hips 
  • Digestive health muchly improved- no cramps and acid reflux reduced

Eloise has embraced on the 30 day nutritional challenge and says she has really enjoyed it - she says her fructose intolerance seems to have disappeared, cravings have reduced significantly , she has worked hard on increasing her daily exercise by taking part in my pilates classes ( since Sept last year she can see a big improvement in strength and stamina) as well as increasing her daily steps. This is fantastic as she has pretty much doubled her steps daily over the last month and normally this will end up with flare ups and meaning she will have to take a step back but not this time! Also increasing her steps would normally worsen inflammation in her knee however it has instead improved! She has had great support from her teenage daughter who has inspired mum with clean cooking and taking part of the challenge. Fantastic work both of you.

pic Debra

Debra Henson

30 Day Vitality Plan Results

Super well done to Debra Henson on your efforts completing my 30 day health and immune boosting plan Debra.
You took on the challenge and look at your fantastic results
  • Bags more energy
  • Deeper better quality sleep - waking feeling more rested and energised ( even if it’s the bladder waking you )
  • Feeling more organised and level headed now the brain fog has lifted
  • Hip pain gone and feeling a lot more flexible
  • 8 pounds lighter 
  • Skin feeling hydrated and smooth
  • Much more productive
  • Feeling more positive
  • Less stressed
All in all feeling much brighter, getting up and out of bed easier and getting on with my daily tasks with focus and also feeling very balanced and organised without worrying about things. Walking is easier now the hip is aching less and it’s like my stride is loser. Fantastic results Debra - you went on the plan wanting a few pounds off, more energy and being able to walk further feeling fitter - you’ve achieved that and much more!!! Congratulations 

pic Lisa Marshall

Lisa Marshall

30 Day Joint and Vitality Plan Results

I love all these positive results 
Help me congratulate the lovely
Lisa Marshall on her fantastic results following my 30 day combined Vitality and Joint Health Plan 
  • Getting back into a routine
  • No more migraines
  • Improved sleep
  • No more acid reflux
  • 6 pound lighter with less exercise than normally
  • Digestive health muchly improved
  • Back to regular and healthier elimination
  • Knee pain and inflammation gone 
  • Back to normail gait after having issues with left knee prior to plan
  • More movement around knee
I’m so super chuffed for you Lisa- you where in a need of a kickstart and this plan has done that and more I’m excited to support you further and see what results we can achieve together over the next few months!! Xx


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