
Find Out More

For more information and advise on the FL-3X Product please contact myself Ulrika on 07795 211 316 or you can email me at [email protected]


Do you suffer with your joints? Arthritis? Osteoarthritis? Inflammation? Prevention prior to injury?Recovering post surgery? FL-3X is the ideal combination not only as PAIN RELIEF but to lubricate around the joints to PREVENT further damage. Helps to IMPROVE JOINT FUNCTION, REDUCE INFLAMMATION and REBUILD CARTILAGE.

The new FL-3X Gel Matrix

  • Enhanced Formula
  • Improved Packaging

It’s unique ingredients supports the way you move

  • Aids Mobility
  • Aids Flexibility
  • Aids Fundamental Components of Joint Tissue Production
  • Contributes to the Collagen Formation To Aid Normal Function of Cartilage & Bones
  • Helps to lubricate around the joints
  • Works well as prevention and to speed up recovery from injury, wear & tear etc
  • Helps to rebuild cartilage
  • Supports the production of Hyaluronic Acid - vital for good joint health!

With a variety of antioxidant plant extracts that support mobility, range of movement and flexibility enabling you to move all day, every day!

I have some SPECIAL Offers on for those who would like to trial this! Get in touch for more info!


What my clients say ...


Mary's Story

FL-3X Program

After her shoulder operation, this has done a lot to help my recovery after my shoulder replacement. Improved my painful knees too and they’ve been bad for years. Thank you!


Sharon's Story

FL-3X Program

All pain gone in the elbow and I had a bit of pain in my knee that has gone thank goodness. So I would recommend it.

wendys story

Wendy's Story

FL-3X Program

I love yoga but joint pain was causing me to doubt whether it was a wise decision to continue with my practice .
I was already taking glucosamine in tablet form but Ulrika mentioned that Flex, which is (as I understand it ) the equivalent liquid form, would be much more beneficial.
I have now been using Flex for approximately six weeks and I feel so much better. I am practicing yoga four times a week, walking 8+ km per day and feeling fantastic.
I will definitely be reordering another batch of Flex before much longer . Thanks Ulrika

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Inga-Lill Almqvist

FL-3X Program

So super chuffed for my mum who started taking the new FL-EX on the 30th Aug- less than 3 weeks in and she notices a big difference in her legs that are normally so stiff she sometimes struggles to walk unaided. She has started to reduce her cortisol for her rheumatoid arthritis as she feels less need for it and she feels that fit at 74 years that today she has decided to join a gym for women Go mum!


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