Gut Health Program

Find Out More

For more information and advise on the Gut Health Program please contact myself Ulrika on 07795 211 316 or you can email me at [email protected]

Gut Health Program

This Gut Health Program is scientifically formulated to help heal the gut. This kit has been designed not only to cleanse and detox the body but has also been specifically formulated to help heal the gut and re-balance our microbiome. The gut is the hub to all our systems and its health affects our immune system, our mood, our ability to lose weight, our digestion and much, much more. Getting the gut microbes into balance is the first step towards achieving elite health, solving health issues from the root cause.

Here's a short video to tell you more...

Each of the five products in the kit are there for a specific reason:

pro argi 9


ProArgi-9+ relaxes and widens the arteries, enabling the body to access deeply held toxins in stagnant areas of the body. It also helps remove ammonia.

biome dtx

Biome DT

Biome DT is an innovative dietary supplement with zinc, glutamine, psyllium, plant extracts and seeds. It is high in chlorophyll and helps the body to come out of an acidic state into an alkaline state. Bad bacteria, candida, fungi and parasites reduce when the body is alkaline as they prefer to live in an acidic body. Biome DT also helps your body to remove heavy metals like arsenic, lead and mercury.


Biome Shake

Biome Shake is made from a pea protein and is very filling. Within it is inulin, made from chicory root, which is a pre-biotic. These fermentable fibers create the right environment in the gut for good bacteria to flourish.

body actives

Biome Actives

Biome Actives contain pre and probiotics which are the good bacteria to put into your body and populate the gut. The spore called bacillus coagulans is very robust and can survive your stomach acid and even cooking at high temperatures.

body prime

Body Prime

Body Prime is a magnesium capsule with apple pectin and prune powder. We are often deficient in magnesium and this helps us with energy levels and cardio vascular health. Body Prime is formulated to help lubricate the bowels allowing toxins to move out of the body easily.

The Program
There is a suggested 7 to 21 day programme that goes with the kit and we will be on hand to support you through the programme.

Please Contact Ulrika if you would like more information on the Gut Health Program. These products are based on cutting edge science and this kit is the first of its kind to market. We have already seen remarkable results from those that have trialled this transformational programme.

Many people have:

  • Lost weight (although it is not specifically a weight loss programme)
  • Improved digestion with no bloating more energy
  • Found that they sleep better
  • Loss of cravings
  • Relief from aches and pains, a more positive energy and feel calmer

What my clients say ...

sarah kickstart review

Sarah's Story

Gut Health Program

Help me congratulate Sarah Elizabeth⁩ on her amazing 21 day Gut Reset Results!! 💫👏👏👏
This is what she has achieved in 21 days:
  • Deffo more energy
  • Sleep has improved - falling asleep easier, waking feeling more rested
  • A whopping stone lighter🤸🏼
  • Joint pain virtually gone
  • Uncomfortable ‘under rib’ pain gone
  • IBS and DIVERTICULAR symptoms gone
  • Hair has grown and feels much thicker
  • Less painful period
  • Coping better in stressful situations
  • Mood improved
  • Feeling calmer and more confident
  • Less anxiety
  • Skin feels firmer
Huge well done!! 🤩👏🙌🎉


Jane's Story

Gut Health Program

Help me congratulate the amazing Jane on her results completing my 21 day Gut Reset Plan 👏👏🎉

These are your fantastic results:
  • A lot more energy - even an urge to exercise 🤸🏻‍♂️
  • Much better quality of sleep
  • Handle stress much better
  • Relief from fibromyalgia aches and joint pains 🫶
  • No more acid reflux - off the medication 👌
  • Relief from IBS - no bloating - no pain or cramps - no discomfort/bloating under bra line - Jane says: I no longer feel like a Buddha 👏
  • Big improvement in bowel function  -much more regular - much healthier elimination  - no more laxatives 👊
  • Skin feels smoother
  • Swelling around ankles gone
  • Feeling much better in general, less sluggish
  • Feeling a lot more positive
  • 6lbs gone 🤸🏻‍♂️- pretty much tried everything to lose weight in the past with no joy
  • No cravings
  • Improved self worth 🥰
  • Less brainfog
Pretty amazing Jane 💜
Well done for taking control of your health! 👏👏
I’m looking forward to further supporting you on your journey 💫
review 2

Niya's Story

Gut Health Program

It’s with great pleasure I’d like to congratulate the lovely Niya Mihaylova for her efforts going through my 21 day Gut Reset Plan 🥳🤩        

A month ago Niya was truly suffering. Her body was in full medically induced menopause after an elected total hysterectomy which she had to go through after being diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago. Symptoms like hot flushes, anxiety, and severe bone pain that sometimes was so strong she could hardly move.  
10 Days into the plan 90% of her symptoms had vanished! 🎉 Incredible! 👏🌟🌟
Here are here amazing results:
  • Sleep is now fantastic. She sleeps through the night and wakes up feeling rested and ready to get going.
  • Much more energy. Soooo good compared to before.  
  • Managing stress much better and feel less anxious.
  • Bone pain is GONE!
  • Hot flushes GONE!
  • Brain fog GONE!
  • Feeling more positivity and upbeat.
  • No sugar cravings.  
Wow!!! 👊👏👏👏
Those are some results! I’m so looking forward to further supporting you on your health journey 💫💫💫
Niya added: I feel like a brand new person and I'm the living proof that this program works. 🙏🏻🫶
review 1

Terri's Story

Gut Health Program

It’s with great great pleasure I’d like to congratulate the lovely Terri Lawton

for her efforts going through my 21 day Gut Reset Plan 🥳🤩
For years she has suffered with what was diagnosed IBS, given some Buscopan and not really any clear advice at all how to help relieve bad symptoms like cramping, severe bloating, irregular and abnormal bowel movement etc
After tailoring the plan to suit Terri’s lifestyle this is what she has achieved 👏👏👏
  • Improved sleep 💤 now waking up feeling more rested
  • Much more energy
  • no afternoon slumps
  • faster pace on long walks
  • more stamina
  • Managing stress much better
  • A lot less achy day after walks/exercise
  • Hugely improved digestive health
  • a lot less bloated
  • no more acid reflux
  • no more cramps
  • Hugely improved bowel function
  • much healthier elimination
  • Feeling more confident and really enjoying compliments from friends etc
  • Feeling more positive
  • 8 lbs lighter 🤸🏻 and uniform fitting much better
  • Less brainfog
  • No cravings or binging
Wow!!! 👊👏👏👏
That is some result! I’m looking forward to further supporting you on your health journey 💫💫💫
Terri added: if I only knew you 10 years ago 😌
If you or anybody you know are suffering from IBS or other nasty digestive issues please do get in touch!

Sara's Story

Gut Health Program

Help me congratulate Sara May Smith on her amazing results following completion of my 21 day Gut Reset Plan- a plan that combines clean healthy eating and nutritional supplements scientifically designed to reset your Microbiome- the combination is fierce!!

  • Energy levels massively improved - now up every morning doing a hiit class 
  •  Better quality sleep
  • Feeling less stressed and dealing more calmer with situations 
  • 1/2 stone lighter 
  • 4 inches lost across waist and hips 
  • A lot less bloated 
  • Digestion improved 
  • Skin massively improved - no more dimples, skin feels smoother and softer 
  • Mood more stable

Sara had fell into a downward spiral trap health wise and felt the need to gain back her control. She says she feels so much better overall and is now on the right path -happier and more confident and ready to further enhance her health. A huge well done Sara you look amazing!!


Vivian's Story

Gut Health Program

Help me congratulate @⁨Vivian Ellis⁩ on her outstanding results following completion of my 21 day gut reset plan! 

  • Energy levels massively improved - now waking up with purpose and incentive to get things done 
  • Sleep hugely improved from waking every night about 3am not being able to go to sleep to now sleeping through feeling more rested 
  • Feeling a lot less stressed 
  • No more aches in shoulder or neck 
  • Digestion much better 
  • 4.4 pound lighter
  • 3,5 inch loss around waist, bust and hip 
  • Feeling more confident 
  • General mood very much improved Vivian used to eat a very healthy low carb diet before starting the plan but had fell into a trap of feeling low and with little incentive to complete even daily tasks. Her energy levels were very low in general and kept putting jobs off. After completion of the plan Vivian says she feels brilliant and no longer has to ‘put on’ her smile - it comes naturally She has had no cravings and has gained back that ‘get up and go’ feeling.

Jan's Story

Gut Health Program

Wow - super thrilled to announce Jan Thompson’s Gut Reset Results - Jan completed the plan for the first time about a year ago and after a tough, stressful and challenging year she felt the need for getting her mojo back! Please help me congratulate her on her amazing efforts and results: 

  • Energy levels hugely improved 
  • Sleep massively improved - no longer waking up at 2-3am - sleeping through and deeper- waking feeling rested 
  • Stress levels significantly reduced 
  • Reduced joint pain in hip and knees 
  • Digestive health hugely improved - less bloating and other irritabilities 
  • 7 pounds lighter
  • 3,5 inch loss over bust, waist and hips 
  • Skin a lot better - rash on tummy gone 
  • Body image much much better 
  • Feeling a lot more positive

Wow - Jan’s own word how she is currently feeling is ‘tremendous’ This is the second time Jan’s completed the plan and after a really rough and stressful year she felt the need to take control over her health again! She is now enjoying life in a calmer way with lots of energy getting on with jobs , de cluttering and exercising more!


Jo's Story

Gut Health Program

Huge congratulations   to Jo Williams for your outstanding 21 Day Nutritional Kickstart results!!

  • Improved sleep - waking less and feeling more refreshed in the morning
  • Increased energy levels
  • 9 lbs lighter
  • 8 cm smaller around bust, waist and hips
  • Feeling more chilled although faced with more stress
  • Improved skin - receiving lovely comments - dry patches on hands cleared
  • Feeling a lot more positive

    Jo says; I had no real cravings and I want to keep sticking to the plan as much as possible to maintain these great results. The support in the group and from you has been a real bonus too, lots of great food ideas from everyone. Thanks so much Ulrika!
    How amazing to enter the Festive Period 9 pounds lighter again well done Jo!! Looking forward to supporting you further! Xx


Tracey's Story

Gut Health Program

Huge congratulations  to Tracey Riley for her outstanding results following completion of my 21 Day Nutritional Kickstart Plan.
These are her results!!!

  • 10 lbs lighter
  • 10 inch total inch loss
  • Sleep massively improved
  • Energy levels hugely improved
  • Mood a lot more stable
  • Feeling a lot less stressed despite the current situation
  • Morning stiffness in joints greatly improved
  • Feeling much more positive

Tracey says :
For the last 18 months I’ve been desperate to lose weight and found myself yo yo dieting with no results - this plan has got me right on track.It has made me more interested in the foods I’m choosing and I can really feel the difference and I will not turn back!
‘This is not a fad’ ‘This is my new lifestyle’ and I have even managed to inspire my teenage daughter to better habits.
I’m also pleasantly surprised how my cravings for chocolate and bread has disappeared and I have really enjoyed my journey!


Jackie's Story

Gut Health Program

Help me in congratulating Jackie Stirland on her fantastic 21 Day Purify results.

Wow what fantastic results Jackie!! You should be super pleased and proud of yourself.
These are your results:

  • Loads more energy - up at 5.30am every day hitting the gym 
  • Hugely improved sleep- now waking feeling rested and refreshed
  • Coping really well with stress -Despite being faced with more challenges and being under more pressure than normally!
  • Digestive Health hugely improved
  • 6 pounds lighter
  • 6 inch off in total over bust, tummy, hips and thighs
  • Pleased with the abs starting to show 
  • Over all feeling really good and positive

    It’s been an absolute pleasure to support and guide you over the last 3 weeks Jackie- you are now reaping the rewards of your hard work and commitment. Well done!


Kathryn's Story

Gut Health Program

I met with Kathryn today to find out how she’s got on with the 21 day gut health program- WOW Great news! Kathryn came off her acid reflux medication only a week into to the program and fingers crossed up to yet she’s had no flare ups and feelings of fatigue are gone! In her own words she will never go back to having tea or coffee and she loved the shakes! She also discovered a whole lot of new interesting foods and experimented with goats products and veg to find new favourites.She lost 5 pounds and 2 cm over her waist and 4 cm over her hips which is really impressive as exercise was less than normally. She found the program really easy to follow and she wouldn’t hesitate recommending it to other people. Other benefits definately improve in energy levels, better sleep and no more aches or pains in back and shoulders. Improved bowel function and digestive health , a few break out of spots(which is natural when toxins leave the body) but hair felt less dry, fuller and more alive! Amazing results- Well done! X

kick start program 1

Kathryn's Story Part 2

Gut Health Program

Lost 2kg approx 4.5 pounds. Lost 12cm approx 5 inches 5 cm from tummy🎉 Hair and nails stronger and longer. Niggly tummy pains all gone! Everyone around me had cough cold and sickness bugs but not me! Sleeping 7 to 8 hours every night - more in the first week! Regular toilet habits maintained! Good eating habits are maintained after the 21 days as there is a much better awareness around additives and sugar etc.
All good results but it's hard to do this challenge. Don't underestimate the amount of food preparation and cooking required and expect to feel really unwell with awful headache and mood in the first week. The energy and positive health benefits do carry on long after tho so it's worth having a go. 👍😁
Kathryn xx

kick start program

Sharon's Story

Gut Health Program

Sharon Bakewells first 21 day purify/kickstart journey results: Worried about being able to stick to plan Not really missing tea/coffee or dairy Energy levels improved especially in afternoon when normally slumping Digestive health massively improved with no more stomach pains- the main reason for doing the program 5 lbs lighter - feeling lighter and more confident for the holiday ahead No cravings More open minded to try new veg and recipe ideas. Xx

kickstart program

Sue's Story

Gut Health Program

I met with Sue Rick today to find out how she got on with my 21 day Gut Health Program. A BIG Well Done on your great results Sue!

  • Bloating gone in first week
  • Digestive Health massively improved
  • Increase in energy
  • 7 pounds lighter and clothes a lot looser
  • Hair much fuller  
  • Less aches and pains all over

Lisa's Story

Gut Health Program

More fantastic Purify Reset Results- help me in congratulating Lisa Marshall for successfully completing the 21 Day Program that consists of clean eating and nutritional supplements designed to reset the microbiome and the gut flora.

  • Heaps more energy - as hubby described now springing out of bed
  • Getting off to sleep easier and much better quality of sleep
  • More level headed and in control of stress and anxiety- no longer waking with dread
  • Positive dreams
  • No more headaches/migraines
  • Big improvement in joints- shoulders, knee and sciatica
  • 5 pounds lighter
  • 6 inch off in total across waist, hips and bust
  • Going for longer walks and an urge to start exercising more and even signed up for 5k park run
  • Mood hugely improved
  • Dentist very pleased with teeth in latest check-up
  • Skin softer - a lot less dry and complexion better with no spots

A huge well done!! Lisa is so pleased she did the program as it levels you out, teaches moderation and feelings of being in control and she says give it a go even if yo have self doubt as it really isn’t as hard as you think.


Angela's Story

Gut Health Program

A huge Congratulations and Well done to Angie for your fantastic 21 day gut reset results!

  • Knee pain massively improved only a few days in to the program
  • Dealing with stress much better - a lot more laid back
  • All tummy upsets gone
  • Scaly scalp massively improved
  • Hair much shinier
  • 5 pound weightloss
  • 4 inch off in total around back, waist and hips
  • Feel alot brighter and more positive

Angie’s own words: I had a few selfdoubt moments prior to the start but I’m so chuffed with myself for doing this, it has made me aware of what I actually eat, it’s made me try different herbal teas and dairy free products, it was so much easier than I thought to stick to and it has set me up with a great foundation for the future and I’m looking forward to continue my new healthy lifestyle!


Wendy's Story

Gut Health Program

Huge well done to Wendy Hammond for your fantastic gut reset results!
Over 21 days we help and reset the body’s microbiome combining healthy eating and nutritional supplements and the results are life changing!

Here are Wendy’s results:

  • Down a dress size from 16 to 14
  • 3,5 kg weightloss which was her main goal
  • Bloating reduced and now shopping for bikinis rather than costumes
  • Confidence, body image and feelings of postivity through the roof- lots of positive comments from hubby and friends
  • Improved sleep especially the reduced time dropping off to sleep
  • Heeps more energy- getting up earlier and walking at least 7km a day
  • Dry scalp and skin much improved
  • No more chafing of the legs
  •  Lot less aches and pains

Wendy says she was a bit apprehensive as to whether she’d be able to stick to the program but was surprised how easy it fits in with her and hubby’s lifestyle, how little she missed bread and dairy and loves how she has altered her way of looking at food and what she puts in to her body. She says it has been worth every penny and can’t recommend the program including the support and motivation enough and she is already planning on repeating it beginning of next year! Help me in congratulating Wendy for her awesome efforts and results. Xx


Sara's Story

Gut Health Program

More amazing Gut Reset Results!! Please help me in congratulating Sara Platt for her awesome Results!!

  • 8 pounds lighter
  • inch loss - tops of arms, back and waistline feeling more toned 
  • skinnier fingers - rings fitting better
  • Much improved sleep- deeper and better quality sleep waking up feeling rested and no bags under eyes 
  • All aches and pains gone especially shoulder and knees
  • Tummy feeling better- no longer bloated and less indigestion

Sara says she is really happy she did the program ( and is already planning on repeating it in the New Year!) It’s very easy to follow although the planning could sometimes be difficult. Clothes are fitting much better and it has really changed her mindset towards certain foods. Love it! Well done again Sara for sticking to the plan.


Chris's Story

Gut Health Program

Wow more fantastic purify results!!Help me in congratulating Chris Osborne for her fantastic Gut Reset Results. A program combining healthy eating and nutritional drinks to reset the body’s microbiome or gut flora.

  • 8 1/2 pound lighter
  • 4 1/2 Total inchloss( over bust, waist and hips)
  • Heaps more energy 
  •  Deeper and better quality sleep
  • Much calmer- despite added stress
  • Bloatedness gone
  • Tummy in general feeling much better - stomach ache and gurgling gone
  • Better complexion- even feeling good going out without make-up(which never happened before)
  • Dry skin on legs much improved- now smoother and softer
  • Nails much stronger ( not broken a nail since starting)
  • In general feeling really good and happy 
  • Clothes feeling more comfortable

    Chris says:The program was really
    easy to follow- no idea why I worried so much before! It’s vital to plan, prep and organise to succeed! It got me out of my bad habits. I’m really happy I did it and now being so much more aware of what I eat and drink.
    Well done Chris for taking a huge step towards greater health- you adapted so well to the changes. It’s all paying off now!


Roberta's Story

Gut Health Program

A huge Congratulations to Roberta Stacey for taking charge of her health and following my 21 day nutritional program. Here are her amazing results:

  • 7 pounds lighter
  • BIG difference in energy levels
  • Sleep amazingly improved- now out like a light and no problems going back to sleep if waking 
  • Mood and hormones clearly balanced- husbands words: a dream to live with 
  • Shoulder and knee pain all gone
  • skin so much improved- relatives commenting on how well you’re looking
  • Stronger nails
  • Painful Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms gone!

    I’m so Super proud of you Roberta- the time was right and you DID it! Amazing to see you pull off a skimpy leather skirt at the Christmas Lunch today
    Again fantastic work!!! Well done for taking control of your health.


Sam's Story

Gut Health Program

Fantastic- First Purify results of 2020!! Join me in congratulating Sam on her amazing results!
Sam watched her sisters Roberta Stacey transformation and was intrigued ‘what she was on’ she signed up for the Purify plan herself to get a kickstart. She is very happy she did it- it was the kickstart she needed ;

  • Energy levels deffo improved - now back in the gym daily
  • Sleep soo much better
  • 5 pound lighter
  • Alot less stressed- now leaving work at work
  • Skin much improved- less dry, itchy and spots cleared

    Sam says the plan was easy to follow when at home - a bit tricky at work but made it work- it was great to be in a routine and has now gone back to her old healthy vegan habits and in a much better place.
    I’m feeling so much better in myself and planning on sticking to the healthy lifestyle and to repeat the plan later in the year!


Jan's Story

Gut Health Program

Super pleased to meet with Jan today to find out how she’s been getting on with her 21 day kickstart program.
Here goes:

  • 8 pounds lighter
  • energy levels through the roof
  • sleep loads better- deeper and longer
  • A lot less achy
  • Feeling less stressed
  • So much more positive
  • Tummy feeling very settled with no upsets
  • Clearer complexion
  • Stronger nails
  • Dry skin patches on legs and rash on back all gone

    WOW it really is fantastic to see the difference and so many people have commented on your glowing complexion and the ‘new’ Jan! Jan’s own words: I can’t believe how good and positive I feel - I normally hibernate in winter but just getting so many jobs done, love experimenting with new veg and would highly recommend the program as it is worth every penny!

    Help me in congratulating Jan on her fantastic results! And do get in touch if you want to find out how the program could change how you look and feel!


Jodie's Story

Gut Health Program

Join me in congratulating Jodie Lea Johnson on her fantastic results following the completion of my 21 day gut reset program.
Jodie had all reasons for getting in touch with me ...feeling run down, exhausted, achy and lacking motivation.... here’s her results:

  • Much more energy
  • Improved sleep- now waking up feeling rested
  • Back and pelvis pain gone
  • Bloating gone
  • 6 pounds lighter- muffin top gone
  • Feeling a lot happier & more motivated
  • Skin improved- spots on arms gone

Jodie says: A part from being hit with a cold a week in feel absolutely amazing and so pleased I did it - it was the kickstart I needed now I feel motivated to eat a well balanced plant based diet implementing the changes I’ve learnt about and still enjoying the odd treat. And it was a real bonus to be able to come to classes for free throughout - it gave me lots of freedom and made huge improvements to my achy body. I would highly recommend Ulrikas classes and programs! It certainly helped me having great support from home especially when the cold hit me but kept going thanks to my lovely man! And sooo glad I didn’t cave in.


Carol's Story

Gut Health Program

Help me in congratulating Carol Ward on her fantastic gut reset / purify results.

  • Improved sleep - dropping off to sleep easier and waking up feeling fresher more rested
  • Bowel problems - All gone!
  • Coping a lot better with stressful situations
  • Achy joints in fingers and hands much improved
  • Bloating gone
  • Love handles gone 
  • 5 pounds lighter
  • Less anxious about things and feeling a lot more positive
  • Skin improved- clearer and less dry and blemishes gone.

    Fantastic results! Carol says she is really pleased she did the program as it has addressed and sorted all her bowel problems, she is chuffed the love handles have gone and she feels a lot more comfortable in her clothes now. She found the program easy to follow but got knocked back slightly at the end with a nasty cold. 


Sharon's Story

Gut Health Program

A huge well done to Sharon Bakewell completing the 21 day program for the 2nd time.
Sharon did the plan about a year ago mainly to trim down and to address certain stomach problems.

Here are her results 2nd time round:

  • Improved sleep
  • 5 pounds lighter
  • Stacks more energy
  • No issues to sort with tummy, digestion as the problems didn’t occur after 1st time doing the plan !!!
  • No cravings
  • No headaches

Sharon says she loves the plan as it really helps her control her hunger without cravings for anything and it helps her making healthy choices not just whilst on the plan but beyond.

sue 1

Sue's Story

Gut Health Program

Super well done to Sue Rick for completing the 21 Day Purify Program ( for the 3rd time)

To summarise your results this time.

  • Improved energy levels - Up raring to go doing Joe Wicks every morning & doing heavy gardening
  • Going to sleep straight away and seem to wake up less with added vivid dreams
  • Less pain in arthritic fingers
  • Digestive Health muchly improved- no bloatedness and no indigestion - no pain
  • 8 pounds lighter

    Sue does the program once yearly and have amazing results every time. She says the reduction in bloating appears very soon in to the program, it is easy to follow especially being in lockdown as less temptations to go for meals/drinks etc, more time to be organised , she didn’t feel hungry between meals and is over the moon with clothes fitting much better as all the flabby bits around her waist are gone. I’m looking forward to supporting you further to help you stay on track Sue.


Sara's Story

Gut Health Program

Join me in congratulating Sara Platt on her awesome results following the 21 Day Purify Program

Her focus was to gain more control of bad habits and to become a bit lighter. These are her results:

  • 5 pounds lighter 
  • 3 1/2 “ off waist, hip and bust
  • Sleep has improved- no real issues before but experienced deeper sleep and woke up feeling more rested
  • Improved energy
  • Spells of Acid Reflux gone
  • Skin feeling a lot less dry
  • Body image greatly improved

    Sara says: I’m really glad I did the program again (2nd time) it is so easy to follow once you focus on your goals. I’m planning on completing the program twice yearly to keep my gut happy and healthy and to maintain healthy weight loss!


Ruth's Story

Gut Health Program

Help me congratulate Ruth Silcock on her fantastic 21 Gut Reset/Kickstart results!

  • Way more energy
  • Improved sleep- waking feeling more rested
  • 8 pounds lighter
  • Shoulder and hip pain gone
  • Coping better even with increased levels of stress
  • Bloating gone
  • Skin hugely improved- both dermatitis, eczema and dry patches all gone
  • Feeling positive and happy

    Ruth says: it is a great program if you are stuck in a rut- it gives you a real re-focus, it helps stop cravings and works as a great kickstart!


Mhairi's Story

Gut Health Program

Help me in congratulating Mhairi Robertson on her amazing 21 day purify results.

  • Increased energy levels - no afternoon slumps
  • Managing stress better
  • A lot less sore after training
  • Much better recovery after training
  • Much improved digestive health
  • Less bloating
  • Relief from Crohn’s Disease
  • Improved skin and complexion
  • More focused
  • No more morning headaches

    All in all great results despite a little set back dealing with a tummy bug.
    I definitely feel more energised and more focused and was very impressed how early the bloating disappeared.
    It was great to receive comments from people noticing a difference in my appearance.
    I will most certainly be continuing with the healthy eating and would highly recommend the plan to anybody wanting to improve their health.

    Well done Mhairi! You smashed it!

Gut Health Program

Ben's Story

Another one to go on my website please Wow! Look at Ben St.john ‘s outstanding and life changing results following the completion of my 21 Day Gut Reset Plan!!! 

  • Massive increase in energy levels 
  • Quality of sleep much better 
  • A lot less stressed 
  • Cleaner better functioning digestion - no bloating 
  • Relief from diverticular disease- no pain, no flare ups 
  • Improved bowel function 
  • Feeling much more positive 
  • No more anxiety

After being diagnosed with diverticular disease back in Oct and two serious hospital visits Ben knew he had to start to make some changes to try and avoid surgery - he stumbled across my gut reset plan on social media and I am super thrilled for him as he has had life changing results. Very inspiring! Well done Ben! It’s been great working with you and I’m looking forward to further coaching you to maintain your fantastic results!

Gut Health Program

Hannah-Mae's Story

Please help me congratulate Hannah-mae Thickett on her outstanding results following the completion of my 21 Day Gut Reset Plan!! Here are your amazing results! 

  • Energy levels ten folded 
  • Less sluggish 
  • Better quality sleep 
  • Full recovery from knee injury 
  • Back ache gone 
  • No more bloating 
  • No more food comas 
  • Digestion much improved 
  • Skin 100% improved - no redness, no flare ups 
  • 6 pounds lighter 
  • 4 inch lost over bust, waist and hips 
  • Feeling much more positive

Hannah you have done amazingly well and adapted to the changes so brilliantly- I know you were a bit worried at the beginning of the plan how it would work with other family members but great to hear how easy you found the plan was to follow and adapt to. Your skin and complexion is outstanding and I am so very pleased about you feeling better about and in yourself with tons more energy which I know was your ultimate goal! I’m looking forward to supporting you further maintaining your incredible results!!!

Gut Health Program

Joanne's Story

Help me congratulate Joanne Froggatt on her amazing results completing my 21 Day Gut Reset Plan!!Here’s her amazing results:

  • Heaps more energy 
  • Sleep massively improved 
  • Hormones nicely balanced 
  • No more hot flushes 
  • 5 1/2 pounds lighter (all fat) 
  • 3 1/2 inch loss in total across bust, waist and hips 
  • Feeling less stressed 
  • Feeling happier 
  • Back on track

Jo has completed this plan many times and have had incredible results every time. Jo was annoyed with herself for slipping out of her usual lifestyle back end of last year and feel the plan has massively got her back on track and now eating clean and exercising more! Watch this short video and listen to Jo’s own story how the plan has changed her life!!

Gut Health Program

Pat's Story

Huge Congratulations to Pat Thompson on her fantastic results following my 21 day Nutritional Kickstart Plan.
If you do get chance watch the short video where Pat talks freely about the positive changes. Below is a summary!

  • Lots more energy
  • Huge improvement in sleep
  • Improved digestion - no more bloating
  • 13 (!) pounds lighter
  • 7 1/2 inches smaller round bust, waist (5 1/2 inch) and hips
  • Skin tone more even and less redness ( reduced inflammation)
  • Bowel function hugely improved
  • Blood pressure stabilised
  •  No more heartburn

The video says it all Pat explains she never felt hungry throughout and experienced no cravings to her surprise.
The plan has certainly got me back on track where I want to be and beyond!!
The interaction between the members of the group offer encouragement and support; provide ideas for healthy tasty meals; and very importantly friendly and often hilarious chats and posts, which are essential for our mental well-being. Add to this your Pilates sessions, which keep us fit, supple and super stretched. We must be one of the healthiest groups around!😁
Ulrika, you bring something very special for all of us. Thank you xxx
Well done for your efforts Pat- your dedication throughout has been outstanding - I’m super thrilled for you!!👏👏👏

Gut Health Program

Sarah’s Story

WOW WOW and WOW again!! Every time I take somebody new through my Gut Reset Program I’m amazed and so thrilled about the fantastic results. Please help me in congratulating Sarah Fury for her efforts and life changing results from doing the Program.

  • 10 pound lighter
  • 22 years of stomach problems - inflammation of colon, disfunctional bowel, diverticular, acute pains, wind, bloatedness- ALL GONE!! and off regular meds
  •  Energy Levels 10 Fold
  • Happier- Less Stressed- Brainfog Gone!
  • Triggered a desire for clean food deffo change of old habits with alcohol every night
  • Much more productive with a get up n go attitude
  • Skin much clearer with lots of positive comments
  • All aches and pains gone!Wow- I can keep going on with the fantastic results - Sarah’s words: go for it don’t wait as long as I did- the program fits in really well with any lifestyle- I have energy like in my 30’s( Sarah is 52) All my aches and pains are gone and I am 65% more mobile and flexible, I can’t believe after trying everything I can now lead a normal life and another lady shopping for bikinis rather than costumes xxx
Gut Health Program

Claire's Story

Help me in congratulating Claire Browning-May who has recently completed the 21 day purify / Gut Reset Program - She has had some amazing results:

  • 11 pounds lighter
  • 6 inch off bust, waist and hips
  • Mood hugely improved- feeling a lot more positive
  • Sleep massively improved- falling asleep easier and waking feeling more refreshed
  • A lot less aches and pains-despite working harder in garden
  • Skin feeling lovely, fresh and smooth
  • Body image and confidence boosted
  • Tummy feeling lovely and settled

All in all really pleased with the Program and the results- I feel amazing and glowing - it has changed my outlook on food, helped kick my bad habits and put me in an ideal position to continue looking after my health and the positive comments from my friends will help me keep going!
Thank you! Xx

Gut Health Program

Sarah's Story

Please help me in congratulating Sarah Young on her amazing Purify results!!!

  • A whooping 11 pounds lighter
  • Total inch loss 5,5 “
  • Body image hugely boosted
  • Stacks more energy
  • Improved sleep - waking feeling more energised
  • Skin miles better
  • No more bloating
  • Previous back and knee niggles gone
  • Mood hugely improved

Feeling super positive and Happy
Sarah is a Nutritional Coach and Fitness Instructor/PT with many years experience who felt she needed a kickstart and a boost. She absolutely loved following the program, found it easy, never went hungry, was impressed with the ongoing support and is now looking to further continue her health journey!
Her message is very clear
How will you emerge out of the lockdown?
A Fitty ? A Fatty ? Or a Drunkie ? 

Gut Health Program

Grace's Story

I just love hearing these positive stories from people taking control of their nutrition with my 21 Day Kick Start Programme.
Take a moment to check out Grace Harvey's video and how it's had a huge impact on her body and how she feels.

  • A whooping stone lighter
  •  Energy massively improved
  • Massively improved sleep- no more afternoon slumps
  • Feeling less stressed
  • Less back ache
  • Less bloated
  • Improved bowel function
  • Skin hugely improved- less greasy
  • No more headaches
  • No cravings
  • Improved mood

    What an amazing journey Grace! You look that good friends are commenting and wondering what you are up to! You proved your husband wrong and smashed it. You have changed your habits for the better and now hugely benefiting from your efforts! It has been such a pleasure to guide you through it!
    Congratulations Grace your story will inspire others and I'm super pleased to hear how well you are feeling!

Gut Health Program

Mel's Story

I love hearing all these positive stories from people taking control of their nutrition with my 21 Day Kickstart Program
Join me in congratulating Mel Hall on her amazing results!

  • Heaps more energy
  • Sleep massively improved
  • An impressive 7 cm off waist and 4 cm off hips
  • 2 cm off each thigh and 2 cm off each arm
  • Arthritic aches and pains in fingers, hands, neck and back gone!
  • Skin massively improved- a lot smoother all over- reduction in cellulite's on thighs
  • Feeling a lot more chilled out
  • Improved digestive health- less pain and less bloating
  • All in all feeling happier and more positive

    Hear all about Mel Hall's fantastic results in this short video and please congratulate her by sending your love and comments. Please also share this video with anybody you might think will benefit 

Gut Health Program

Astrid's Story

Just love all these phenomenal transformations. Help me to congratulate Astrid Hurst on her fantastic efforts and results!!!

  • Heaps more energy - an urge to do more!
  • Improved sleep - still a bit restless but overall an improvement
  • A lot less aches and pains
  • Massively improved digestive health- a lot less bloated
  • Reduction in acid reflux - no more need for the meds or gaviscon
  • 6 pounds lighter waistline is appearing
  • Stronger bladder
  • Much more mindful about foods and drinks and it’s affect on the body
  • Skin hugely improved- feeling lovely and reduction in cellulite
  • Feeling positive and loving positive comments from friends n family

All in all very pleased with my results and my efforts of sticking to the program- I definitely want to carry on this healthy clean feeling of me!


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